Saturday, March 01, 2008

[Motor] Randy de Puniet

Here is 27-year old French Grand Prix motorcyclist Randy de Puniet preparing for a race and taking a toilet break on the track.



Anonymous said...

wooooooow!!!!!! i allways wondering how looks like his ******** nice! great pic! Randy u are sexy! love you:*:*:*:* u are number one! i know u win!!!!! i rather see this on live!:)

Anonymous said...

wow... that second picture makes me melt.....

Anonymous said...

This is completely unacceptable!!!! If u like Randy remove this!!!!! He would be very sad if he saw that! RANDY I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jens Dø said...

shit he is sexy!! That face!

Anonymous said...

That is classic! What a nice shiny bellend the boy has!

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